Bye Bye Bean Mix (click)
[Song Title - Artist]
1. 1, 2, 3 - Camille Video
2. To The Lighthouse - Memoryhouse Video (I actually got to see Memoryhouse live the other night, they were lovely!)
3. Black Flowers - Yo La Tengo Video
4. Safe and Sound - Electric President
5. When I Grow Up - Fever Ray Video (The video seems simple, but something about Olivia Chachi Gonzales is hypnotizing here. Plus you can't go wrong with Karin Dreijer's genius.)
6. When The Day Is Done - Legends Video
7. The Day The Aliens Came (Hawaiian Feeling) - The Mountain Goats Video "This is a song about how sometimes you find yourself living in a house where you think, I have to get out of here! But maybe you're too young to get out of there, or you don't have any money, or you don't have any means or anywhere to go; and yet, you cling firmly to the idea that someday you will escape, through some means. Maybe Batman will show up in his car outside or something, and other people might laugh and say, man, John, Batman's not coming to save you! And you say, look man, between me and Batman and you, i'll take Batman!"
8. Animal - Miike Snow Video
9. Pass This On - The Knife Video Rickard Engfors!!! And again, the Dreijers' ridiculous genius at work.
10. Marble House - The Knife (with Jay-Jay Johanson!) Video
11. Our Own Pretty Ways - First Aid Kit Video
12. My Party - Wisdom Tooth (From my good friend Mikey's latest mix! No one makes cover art quite like he does.)
13. Happy High - Bye Bye Blackbird / Blackbird Blackbird (The band name seems to be undecided)
14. So Sorry, Girl - Bye Bye Blackbird / Blackbird Blackbird Video
15. Hammock - Millionyoung
16. Swimming Field - Memory Tapes
17. I Just Had To Die - The Knife
à bientôt!
Bis bald!
Se dig snart!
I took the liberty of making your mix into a Youtube playlist.
ReplyDeleteA couple of the videos you linked to had ads at the beginning, so I switched them out for ad-free versions. The only song I couldn't find at all was Swimming Field - Memory Tapes, so I left it out, but if there's another song by the same artist you want me to put in there or if you want to upload it yourself to YouTube I'll put it in.
I haven't actually listened to the whole thing yet, because I'm listening to it RIGHT NOW :)
bon voyage sweet bean! :)